Beth Cliff Accepts the Unanimous Nomination as the Democratic Candidate for Connecticut House District 112
Monroe, Connecticut -- On May 15, 2024, Beth Cliff accepted the nomination as the Democratic Party's candidate for the 112th House District. This district includes all of Monroe, nearly half of Easton and part of Trumbull.

Scott Charmoy, the Vice Chair of the Easton Democratic Town Committee (“DTC”), nominated Ms. Cliff, noting her long track record of successful leadership in business and local volunteerism including serving as president of the Friends of the Easton Library, and serving on the Board and participating in social justice activism at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Westport. The delegates of the 112th unanimously and enthusiastically endorsed Ms. Cliff.
Ms. Cliff expressed gratitude for the support she received and promised that the district’s voices and values will be heard in Hartford when elected.
Ashley Gaudiano, Chair of the Trumbull DTC, agreed. “I am thrilled that Beth Cliff is running to represent the 112th district. We need representatives who will work tirelessly for Trumbull and who will bring valuable and much needed resources to our community. I am confident Beth will do just that and we look forward to getting her elected this November.”
Nick Kapoor, a longtime Monroe Democrat, added, “Beth Cliff is just the right kind of person to represent Monroe in the State House. She is practical, dedicated, smart and representative of so many in town. She will bring the voice of the 112th to the Legislature and will have an excellent seat at the table as a member of the majority.”

In her acceptance, Ms. Cliff emphasized that “the time is now, especially for women’s voices, to be heard directly on issues of concern to them, their families, and their children — on the job, at home, and with their healthcare providers. If there ever were a time to do and not just talk, it is now. I can’t sit on the sidelines anymore. My daughters’ futures, and those of all our children, are at stake.”
Ms. Cliff was born and raised in northern Connecticut, in a small rural town similar to those in the 112th. She received her BA from Princeton University and an MBA from UVA’s graduate business school. With over 30 years of management and consulting experience across multiple functions, in a wide spectrum of business settings – from global multi-nationals to small local businesses — she understands organizational dynamics and bottom-line challenges and knows how to get ahead of them. “Any good leader listens to concerns and creates coalitions to deliver the right solutions,” she noted. “But strong leaders have the courage to fight to make those solutions happen— even if it means facing some tough headwinds. People who have worked with me know I am a champion and fighter for the causes I believe in.”

On top of her demanding career, Ms. Cliff and her husband raised two daughters. “Believe me, I understand firsthand the juggle of demanding jobs and two career parenting, and all that entails,” she shared. “For most of us, this is the reality we must live in, and it has its challenges. I want to make it easier for everyone.”
Since retirement in 2018, Ms. Cliff has devoted herself to a variety of volunteer leadership roles in Easton and the broader community in Fairfield county. She is looking forward to meeting with voters in the district between now and November, to hear directly from them what’s on their minds and learn how she can best represent them in Hartford. “I have the passion, the dedication and the skills to represent us well in Hartford, and to bring back to the 112th what we need,” she said. “Now is the time to make things happen in Hartford and I look forward to the work in representing Monroe, Easton and Trumbull.”

In the News
Easton Courier:
Candidate Profile and Statement: Beth Cliff (D), State House District 112
PDF DOWNLOAD : Candidate Profile & Statement Beth Cliff D State House District 112